Faculty Fund Award Application Information

Proposal for College of Education Project Grant

The College of Education’s Faculty Fund Awards provides financial support for the innovative ideas that contribute to the early career development of our faculty members. Funding is provided by generous donors and may have differing guidelines; however, all award funding is intended to support faculty in catalyzing projects and achieving sustainability.

Applications will be based on the following factors:

  • Projects that are not yet funded or have no other funding sources available
  • Projects that reflect a current area of priority for the college
  • Projects with high impact
  • Project applicants who have not received a faculty fund award in the past three years

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), are eligible to apply for awards. These awards have requirements and funding limitations as noted in the description of each fund in the section below. Before applying for a specific award be sure to review the eligibility information to determine any eligibility specification or restrictions. 

Application Steps:

  1. Review the fund purpose and the typical amount available to determine which funding source is the best fit for your proposed project. Refer to the list below.
  2. Complete and submit the proposal application by November 1, 2024.
  3. Applicants will be notified if they are being considered by November 15, 2024.
  4. Proposal applicants chosen to advance will submit:
    1. A timeline
    2. A detailed budget. Please get input from your business manager as you develop a budget to ensure that all proposed costs are reasonable and allowable.
  5. The timeline and detailed budget will be due December 2, 2024. Applications will be reviewed, and award decisions made by the Dean of the College of Education. 
  6. Project funding will be announced by December 10, 2024.
  7. The awardees will provide the COE Office of Development with a narrative and fiscal summary for the purpose of reporting to donors on the use and impact of the grant funds.

Preliminary Proposal Deadline: November 1, 2024

HOPE BANEY FUND AWARD – The Hope Baney Fund provides financial support for faculty presentations, research, and outreach projects. 

The Hope Baney Fund was established through the will of Hope Baney to support significant issues affecting education and short-term projects undertaken by College of Education faculty including research projects, student assistance, travel funds, equipment, and other special needs as well as the development of new courses or improvement of existing courses.

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), are eligible to apply.

Typical funding range: $3,000 – $6,000


FAIRWAY FUND AWARD – To support faculty in special education. Funds will be used to support special projects, research, and activities enhancing the preparation of teachers to more effectively teach children with disabilities.

The Fairway Fund was established by George and Susie Swindells to support faculty in the UO’s College of Education Special Education Department.

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), in the Special Education and Clinical Services department, are eligible to apply.

Typical funding range: $10,000 – $20,000

KRUGER FUND FOR FACULTY OUTREACH – The College of Education’s Kruger Fund will provide support for projects related to a joint collaboration on an outreach project for career development. Funds may be used to provide a range of support services such as conferences and presentations as well as development and evaluation of programs focused on the professional advancement and career development of persons entering or engaged in the contemporary workforce.

The Kruger Fund was established by Norma Kruger to support faculty in the UO’s College of Education in their efforts to offer outreach services in career development for adolescents and adults.

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), in the three Career Development Units (IntoCareers, CIS, and DESTNY) are eligible to apply.

Typical funding range: $5,000 – $10,000

SKIPPEN FUND – The College of Education’s Skippen Fund will provide support for projects related to a collaboration on an outreach project for career development. Funds do not have restrictions for their use but will be evaluated on the meritorious factors listed below.

The Robert E. Skippen Fund was established through the will of Robert Skippen to support the Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership department.

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), in the Education Policy, Education Leadership, and Quantitative Research Methods in Education programs are eligible to apply.

Typical funding range: $3,000 – $9,000

JUDSON & ELISE TAYLOR FUND – The College of Education’s Judson and Elise Taylor Fund will provide support for faculty projects or research projects with international reach. Funds may be used to support travel and related expenses. Students working directly with a faculty member on an international project also qualify.

The Judson and Elise Taylor Fund was established by Judson and Elise Taylor to receive and administer contributions to support faculty in international outreach and collaboration.

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), are eligible to apply.

Typical funding range: $1,000 – $2,250

ANDREA WIGGINS FACULTY OUTREACH FUND – The College of Education’s Andrea Wiggins Fund for Faculty Outreach provides financial support for innovative ideas that contribute to the career development of our faculty members and have relevance to underserved populations. Funding is meant to catalyze projects and help faculty members achieve sustainability.

The Andrea Wiggins Faculty Outreach Fund was established in memory of Assistant Dean of Advancement, Andrea Wiggins, who advocated for healthy families and children through her fundraising work at the College of Education. The purpose of the Fund is to provide support for faculty efforts to offer outreach services to the community to improve the lives of children and families.

Eligibility: All College of Education faculty (FTE of .5 or greater), both academic and research career faculty as well as Tenure Track Faculty (TTF), are eligible to apply.

Typical funding range: $2,500 – $5,000