Week Eight!

A big event that happened this term was the Paris terrorist attacks. Although this did not take place at the University of Oregon and directly affect me it still affected me emotionally. It is never easy to hear about an attack and the killing of many innocent people. On November 13th, 2015 a series of terrorist attacks shook up the city of Paris. There were suicide bombings, shooting and a hostage situation that resulted in the killing of 130 people. A total of 89 civilians were killed in the hostage situation and mass shooting in the Bataclan Theatre. Bombs went off throughout the city. One place was right outside the soccer game and you could hear the bomb go off while watching the soccer game in person or on TV. Hundreds of people were also injured during this terrorist attack. The fact that this was the deadliest attack on France soil since World War 2 is very sad and awful. ISIS took credit for these terrorist attacks.

I chose this event because it is huge event that took place during this term and has changed the entire world. To start off our world was already having problems with ISIS before the Paris attacks took place. ISIS has been causing problems throughout the world by killing innocent civilians to bombing and ruining homes throughout the Middle East. There terror has caused many residents to leave their homes, which has resulted in a Syrian refugee problem. Syrian refugees are trying to find a safe place but the problem is that there is not enough room for them or that many countries sadly do not want them. ISIS has also threatened several states in America causing fear to arise among American citizens. The Paris attacks shows just how much fighting and hatred there is in this world. I think the Paris terrorist attacks are just the beginning of problems this world is going to face if all this fighting and abhorrence keeps up. It is time for this world to band together and stop being each other’s enemy. There has been too may deaths and sadness, which is why peace and love need to take over.

On a happier note another event that took place this term was my floors sink broke and fell out of the wall. My friends and I were all hanging out and all of a sudden we heard a loud “bang” noise. I thought a person fell down the stair well but instead our sink just dropped and fell on the concrete ground. It literally fell right out of the wall because the pipes and everything were in it and that they just popped out. I chose to talk about this event because it is really random but funny at the same time.

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