Dead Week!

This week is called dead week and it is going to be very stressful because finals is the week after. We just got back from Thanksgiving break and it was amazing. My family came into town and we spent Thanksgiving at the coast. We got a house in Florence and had a very relaxing holiday. We ate a lot of good food, baked cookies and watched Christmas movies. On Friday we drove back to Eugene and went to the Civil War football game. It was my brothers first time going to a college football game and my first civil war game so we had a blast. It was really cold, which made it hard to sit in the shade but it was so worth it. The fans get crazy and the overall atmosphere is great. The game was surprisingly really close towards the end, which was very surprising. Overall, break was a lot of fun and very relaxing.

Now that break is done I have to focus on finals. The idea of finals is really nerve racking and I’m kind of scared because finals are worth a lot and they could make or break my grades. I am preparing for my finals by gathering all my work and notes I have accumulated throughout the year and I am putting together or completing the study guides. I am reviewing all of class lectures and re-reading all of the reading assigned during the year. I feel like History will not be too bad but I am scared for my math final. I do not have a writing final and my ethnic studies final is a take home assignment, which I am very happy about.

Now that fall term is coming to a close I am very excited for winter term. I look forward to my classes and I really like my schedule. My schedule is not too busy and I have a perfect amount of time between each class. Going into winter term I would like to improve my study habits and I would like to get more sleep. This term I didn’t put enough time into my studying. I kind of messed around a lot and instead of studying I hung out with my friends. I did good in school but I think I could’ve done a lot better if I focused more on school than my social life. This term I also got no sleep. I have been going to sleep every night around one o’clock in the morning, which makes me very tired during the day. I have been staying up really late with my friends watching movies or talking, but that needs to stop next term. I need to get more sleep so I am energized and ready to learn. Fall term has been great with a lot of memories but I look forward to my future here at the University of Oregon.

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