Learning Goals Reflection

1. To become more confident with new web technology, software and media applications.

I have become more confident with Illustrator. I was very slow at learning it but I am happy to now have a basic understanding. I am not so confident in in-design but am very proud of my accomplishments in Illustrator.

2. To acquire marketing skills that are directly transferable to the nonprofit development world.

I think the creation of the collateral package is a great addition to my marketing skills. However, I think I will learn a lot more when I write my marketing plan next term. I am excited to learn more in AAD 610 Winter term.

3. Learn how to effectively use graphics to portray a message.

I think I completed this goal through creating my logo for New Avenues. I set myself two goals: to make the logo more youth friendly and to bring in some sort of visual representation. Personally, I think I met both of those goals and therefore portrayed the message I was set to portray.

4. I would like to learn design and layout principles for creating professional posters.

I learned alot about making posters. The most beneficial part of our poster design was putting them all on the wall for display and hearing other classmate’s critiques and advice. I also learned a lot about printing and maintaining print quality in a larger page size than I am use to. I thought the experience was enjoyable.

5. Understand effective branding tools and how to optimize these skills to benefit a nonprofit organization.

I learned a lot from Robinson’s book chapters about effective logos I also gained a lot of ideas from my classmates. By November, after learning what I did, I was already thinking of new ideas to how I would want to re-design my logo. I have also learned how to discuss fonts and talk about logos. I now find myself looking at the brands around me and critiquing their logos/signs.

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