Express will serve pages from a directory defined to be static. We’ll do this by copying your ToDo app and relocating the copy to a static directory.
- Duplicate your todo app folder and relocate the copy to ~/Documents/repos/281/projects/Chapter6/app/
- In the Chapter6/app/todo/ folder create a new folder named client. The express server uses this as the static directory (see below).
- Move Chapter6/app/todo/todo.html to Chapter6/app/todo/client/, and rename it index.html (this makes it the Default Web Page).
- Duplicate the express-server.js file from p. 194, and relocate the copy to Chapter6/app/todo/.
- In Sublime, open the ~/Documents/repos/281/projects/Chapter6/app/ folder.
- express-server.js defines Chapter6/app/todo/client/ to be a static directory.
P. 194: Any request sent to the server will initially be resolved by the static file directory (client) before it is handed off to our routes. This means that if we have a file called index.html in our client directory and we go to localhost:3000/index.html, it will return the contents of the file. If the file doesn’t exist, it will then check to see if there’s a match among our routes.
- Test the Express-powered ToDo app.
Start your virtual machine, and shell into it.
On the VM, cd to /home/vagrant/app/todo/, and start the server with this command:
node express-server.js
In Chrome, open localhost:3000 or
Halt the server with the keyboard command, control-c.