University of Oregon

Pivotal Web Services/Cloud Foundry

Cloud_computing_layersPlatform as a service (PaaS)

PaaS is a category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop and deploy applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the computing infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app.

  • Cloud Foundry Open Source Software (OSS) is a cloud computing Platform as a Service (PaaS) originally developed by VMware and now owned by Pivotal Software.
  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry (Pivotal CF). A commercial product available from Pivotal. It provides tools for deploying apps to the cloud not included in the OSS product.
  • Pivotal Web Services (PWS). An instance of Pivotal Cloud Foundry hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

UO-CIT on Pivotal Web Services

As a pilot for an educational use policy, PWS has created a UO-CIT organization for us, and provisioned it with resources and services (MongoDB, Redis, etc.).

How to join the UO-CIT organization

  1. PWS will be sending you an invitation to join the org by email at your UO address.
  2. The message body contains an Accept this Invitation link.
  3. Follow the link.
  4. This will open a Sign-in page where you will be assigned a randomly-generated user-name, and prompted to create a password.

    (If you are asked to create a user-name,  enter your DuckID user name. If your DuckID user name is already taken, add “cit” to the end of it.

    Example: user name susanq is taken.
    ==> susanqCIT, or susanq-cit, or susanq-CIT

  5. Take a screenshot of this page so you can remember your user-name.
  6. Sign in with your new account.

This will connect you to your PWS dashboard. Learning how to navigate the dashboard will be the topic of your Week 9 Lab.

Next: Getting Started with PWS/CF

The cf Command Line Interface (cf CLI) is your primary tool for deploying and managing your applications.

Read Getting Started with PWS/CF.

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