University of Oregon

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a SaaS (Software as a Service) provider for MongoDB.

MongoDB Atlas provides MongoDB as a cloud service for web applications. Atlas runs on Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Create an Atlas Account

Completion time: 15 minutes.

  1. In Chrome,open the MongoDB Atlas landing page, click Sign In, and register for a new account.You’ll be asked to name your organization. Name it UO CIT <your initials, or other letters>.
         Examples: UO CIT MH, UO CIT JLO, UO CIT HP, etc.

  2. Once you log in, Atlas prompts you to build your first cluster. Atlas Free Tier clusters provide a small-scale development environment to host your data.

    For Cloud Provider & Region, select Microsoft Azure and Virginia, as shown here:

    For Cluster Name, the default Cluster0 is fine.

    Click Create Cluster to deploy the cluster.

    Once you deploy your cluster, it can take up to 10 minutes for your cluster to provision and become ready.

Whitelist Your Connection IP Address

Estimated completion time: 2 minutes

You can whitelist all IPs by clicking “Allow Access From Anywhere” in settings or by providing the whitelist IP:

From your Clusters view, click the Connect button for your cluster.

Click Add Your Current IP Address. Add as the IP address.

Create a MongoDB User for Your Cluster

Estimated completion time: 2 minutes

In the same Connect dialog, enter your user information.  Use myDefaultUser as a username. Enter a Password for your user. You’ll use this username and password combination to access data on your cluster. Click Create MongoDB User, then click Done, as you do not have to go any further at this time.


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