University of Oregon

Create a Service Instance using the PWS Apps Manager

The web-based Apps Manager application helps you manage your apps and services instances (e.g., mLab for MongoDB-as-a-Service).

Use the Apps Manager to Create a Service Instance

  1. Sign In to

    Click the Pivotal Web Services button.

    This connects you to the web-based Apps Manager.

  2. In the leftNav, click Marketplace.
  3. Scroll down to mLab in the alphabetical list of Services, and click mLab.
  4. Click, Select this Plan.
  5. Fill in the Configure Instance dialog as follows, and then click Add:

    Instance Name: yourDuckId-mLab
    Add to Space: Development
    Bind to App: [do not bind]

Bind your mLab Service to your ToDo App

Edit todo-server.js:

Find this line:

var mongoLabUrl = appEnv.getServiceURL('UO-CIT-mLab');

Modify it to connect to your service instance:

var mongoLabUrl = appEnv.getServiceURL('yourDuckID-mLab');

  1. Edit manifest.yaml:

    Bind your mLab service instance to your app:

        - yourDuckID-mLab

Deploy your ToDo App to CF

You’ve now created a mLab instance, and bound it to your app.

You are ready to push your app to CF.

See Deploy a MongoDB App to Cloud Foundry.

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