University of Oregon

Install these Atom Packages

  1. Install the same Atom packages that you installed in CIS 111.
    atom-beautify prettier-atom open-in-browser emmet open-recent 
    base-linter (with Cow Powers) linter-htmlhint linter-jshint

    In the prettier-atom package settings, disable Format on Save
    You can toggle this feature on/off in Atom: Packages → Prettier → Toggle Format on Save

    In the atom-beautify package settings, disable Format on Save for CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

  2. Restart Atom.
  3. We will use Atom to create markdown (.md) files in 281.

    Good news: The markdown-preview is pre-installed in Atom.
    Bad news: The ctrl-sh-m keyboard command to toggle preview mode is pre-empted by the Emmet package.The fix: Here’s how to fix the ctrl-sh-m command conflict with the Emmet package:
    a. Open your home directory in Atom.
    b. Open this file: .atom > packages > emmet > keymaps > emmet.cson
    c. Find the ctrl-shift-m command that is used by Emmet to merge lines.
    d. Comment it out by adding a # at the beginning of the line (see image, below):
    e. Exit and restart Atom. 

  4. Read Mastering Markdown (a 3-min. read).
  5. Create a simple .md file in Atom.While editing the .md file, use ctrl+shift+m to see a live preview of markdown.
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