To prepare for Quiz 3, review the following.
NOTE: if we did not cover something in class, it will not be covered on the quiz.
- Ch. 5, 12, 14, 21, 22 (not 23) in our textbook, JABG.
- Slides: Ch. 5 Loops
- Slides: Ch. 12 Strings
- Slides: Ch. 14 Arrays
- Slides: Meet the DOM
- Practice Quizzes in Canvas: Week 3 Practice Quiz, Week 4 Practice Quiz, Week 6 Practice Quiz.
- Project 1, Project 2
- The 111 WebDev Workflow
- Beware the Browser Cache
- Function Examples from Class: isPrime, SumOfProperDivisors, isAlpha, isDigit, clickHandler, getPrimesInRange, flipCoin, rollDie, isVowel, countVowels, countOccurrences.