When you are working on your 111 website locally on your own computer, you keep all the files in a 111 folder, that has a number of subfolders for content (css, js, p1, p2, …).
You will now create a 111 website folder on the uoregon.edu server that mirrors your local file structure.
Note: folders on a Unix server like uoregon.edu are called directories.
The Pew Research Center describes millennials as “distinctive in how they place themselves at the center of self-created digital networks.”
In that spirit, you will now start creating your personal cyber infrastructure on uoregon.edu:
- Login to shell.uoregon.edu.
- In this step, you will copy a Ruby script to your home directory on shell.uoregon.edu, and then run the script.
The script will automatically create your entire 111 website file structure on the server.
- Copy this wget command:
wget http://CIT:CIT@pages.uoregon.edu/michaelh/bin/111-setup.rb
- Paste the wget command into the Unix command line, and hit Enter. That will run the wget command, which copies a Ruby program named 111-setup.rb into your home directory on the server.
- Run the Ruby program by typing this Unix command into the shell, and then hitting Enter:
ruby 111-setup.rb
- When the setup script runs, you will see a number of prompts at the command line. Just hit Enter to continue.
- When prompted to enter an .htaccess password, enter the middle three digits of your UO 95#.
Caution! When you enter the three digits, they will not be echoed (i.e., displayed on the screen), for security.
Just type in your three digits and then hit Enter.
You will be asked to enter the digits one more time. Type in the digits again and hit Enter.
- Hit Enter to any remaining prompts to finish out this interactive script.
- Copy this wget command:
The script you just ran created a web directory named 111 in your public_html directory on the uoregon.edu server. It has the same sub-folders as the 111 folder on your computer(css, js, p1, p2, …).
Furthermore, the 111 web directory on the server is password-protected by the htAccess protocol (hypertext-Access). If anyone tries to open your 111 website in their browser, they will be prompted to enter the following htAccess credentials:
htAccess-userName: 111
htAccess-password: the middle three digits of your UO 95#
Test your 111 Website on the UOregon.edu Server
Open the following URL in Chrome, substituting your UO DuckID username for SusanQ’s:
You will see a directory listing for your public_html web directory.
Note that your 111 folder is not listed. This is a feature, not a bug: htAccess is hiding your 111 website folder for security.
Add 111 to the URL:
You will be prompted to enter your htAccess credentials.
Debugging Assistance
If you are not prompted for your htAccess credentials, then see your instructor for assistance asap. You will receive zero points (0) on all projects until htAccess is setup correctly.