HTML Elements are DOM Nodes
- Element Nodes are Objects
- Objects are Sets of Properties
- Some Properties are Functions
-> Methods - DOM API == DOM Methods
Required Reading
- Ch. 23: Modifying DOM Elements
- Ch. 26: Creating and Removing DOM Elements
- Objects: The Basics
- object-basics.js
- two-inputs.html, two-inputs.js, two-inputs.css
Web Field Trips
- Take the Web IQ Quiz
- isPrime (876-5309). “Many people prank-call 876-5309, driving the phone companies (and their customers) nuts. A Saundra E. writes that she ‘went through every area code in the database and found 16 people across the US who are cursed with this number. One of them is named Jennifer.'”
- DeMorgan’s Laws
At age of 17, Ada Lovelace met Charles Babbage (the Nostradamus of computing). The pair became friends, and the much older Babbage served as a mentor to Ada. Through Babbage, Ada began studying advanced mathematics with University of London professor Augustus de Morgan.
Ada described how codes could be created for Babbage’s Analytic Engine to handle letters and symbols along with numbers. She automated the word “if”, and also described how the Engine could repeat a series of instructions, a process known as looping that computer programs use today. Ada also had many other forward-thinking concepts. For her work, Ada is considered to be the first computer programmer.