Student Spotlight: Iman Zarlons

Iman ZarlonsCongratulations to Iman Zarlons for winning the top prize of the Asian Studies Award at the Undergraduate Research Symposium for her project, “Crazy Indonesia: Examining the Transnational Success of Indonesian Exploitation Film.” Iman is a Cinema Studies major with a double minor in Global Health and Southeast Asian Studies.

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Student Spotlight: Steijha Meserole

IrelandThe Ireland Study Abroad Program allows students to take a deep dive into Irish culture and history, immerse themselves in cinema studies and filmmaking, and make lasting memories.

“The Cinema Studies Ireland Study Abroad Program is an amazing way to make connections with other filmmakers in the Cinema Studies major. My favorite moment of the program was jumping into the freezing Irish Sea!”

–Steijha Meserole, Cinema Studies Class of ’22.


Student Spotlight: Fran

Fran and students in IrelandFran–a Cinema Studies and Business Administration major–attended the Ireland Study Abroad Program last summer and recommends the experience to other students.

“This program is a great opportunity to meet people in the major and make connections with students who have the same career interests. Ireland is a beautiful country with a lot of history, nature, and places in and around Dublin to explore. After spending 5 weeks in Dublin, you really get to learn what the city is all about. My favorite moment was definitely the weekend trip to Galway. It was a great chance to really connect with the group and spend more time with everyone.

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Student Spotlight: Jasmin “JJ” Johnson

Jasmin JJ JohnsonCinema Studies is grateful for the talented team of students who work in the department and are a valuable part of the CINE community! Meet Jasmin “JJ” Johnson @gojjgojj, CINE class of ’24, who is working in the CINE office this year and is excited to share what she’s learned about the department and what it has to offer.

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Congrats Cinema Studies Major Quinn Connell

Quinn ConnellConnell’s video will be part of the global broadcast of World Athletics Championships events!

From The OregonianWith track and field events, Connell says, “It’s a very simple concept. It’s how far can you go, how high can you go, and how fast can someone go.” In his video, Connell was able to emphasize the speed, the height, and balance the branding guidelines with his own concept, as he says. “All the events are inherently cinematic.”   Continue reading “Congrats Cinema Studies Major Quinn Connell”

UO Alumni Feature Film World Premiere at Merced Queer Film Festival

the last day of retrogradeUniversity of Oregon Cinema Studies alumni Brad Burke (2015), Claire Haines (2015), Bronwyn Thomas (2020), and Minjoo Jang (2021) have a feature film getting its World Premiere at the Merced Queer Film Festival in Merced, California on May 21st. Their film,The Last Day of Retrograde, is nominated for 6 awards at the event, including Best Feature, Best Comedy Feature, Best Director, Best Female Identifying Performer (two nominations), and Best Male Identifying Performer. The film has already won Best Queer Feature at the Bright International Film Festival during a private screening with festival judges.
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