• To better understand the nature of the arts in a transmedia environment
  • To express the function and role of art in a contemporary society
  • To gain an understanding of how art functions in different cultures
  • To analyze the role of an aesthetic theory in the contemporary art world
  • To be able to connect the arts with current societal trends
  • To understand the role of transmedia in the current artistic landscape
  • To use transmedia and aesthetics to further develop artistic participation

Based on my learning goals for this class, I think that I began to gain an understanding of what a transmedia environment is. This however, is still something that I am learning about and will continue to learn and explore through my artistic and educational development. Specifically, my last learning goal which was to “use transmedia and aesthetics to fourth develop artistic participation.” I learnt more about the function of art in contemporary society, specifically, as a vehicle for social change. I was able to analyze different artistic aesthetics and cultural aesthetics and to connect the arts with societal trends. Lastly, I explored the question of arts participation, however I think that this is something that I will always be exploring and learning about as my artistic and educational journey develop.