Group Self-Evaluation

Now that the term is about half-way through, I feel I am now comfortable in a team setting. Our team has definitely improved from the first meeting, where we had little direction and minimal communication. I feel as if our group, myself included are now comfortable as a team and the work we are performing is reflective of our chemistry. As for myself, I feel as if I had made positive strides since the first group meeting. Going into this class I knew I needed to improve my public speaking skills, and by presenting on Monday I feel I am making slow but positive improvements. I would give myself a good but not great overall grade in my group because I feel there are more things I could improve on. One of these being my participation in group discussion. In the beginning I was less involved and would speak up only a handful of times during the discussion. I am now speaking on almost every topic discussed within the group and not shy about voicing my thoughts on certain parts on our proposal. Another improvement that I can make is performing more research for my group. I have been doing an adequate amount of research, but I feel I need to gather more information that will help my group gain a stronger understanding on our topic. I plan on making these improvements over the next half of this term and will continue to provide positive improvements on our group moving forward. All in all, I feel I am making solid improvements to help my  team grow and accomplish our goals as a team.

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