This map shows the activities of known individuals infected with Cholera on campus. As is noticeable there are three large circles which outline the areas of activity by infected individuals on each of the first three days. As can be seen there is an area showing overlap for which indicates the probable source location. Nearly all of the individuals infected during the first three days were in the SW area of campus in the college of education or college of music. The four red diamonds indicate the location of the offices of affected staff members who passed on unspecified days. This indicates that the source of the infection lies in this region. The origin of the contaminated water was likely caused by accidental introduction during the construction in this area. The location of the cholera infections is within the restrooms near the Aasen-Hull hall of Frohnmayer music complex.Each student and staff member is color-coded by the date of infection and then by activity and status. Routes are approximated for travel to locations which they were known to be at. This map does not contain all student and staff deaths or activities during infection and prior to their deaths only that which was reported via Facebook social media.