Cholera Deaths Heat Map
This thematic dot map contains geospatial data on the deaths of the cholera outbreak at the University of Oregon. Each flag is a point where a death occurred as marked by a white flag on campus grounds. Clicking on a point will show longitude, latitude and the day the data was collected. There are 68 death locations recorded on this map, with some having gone unrecorded in this map. There is also a heat analysis layer, the cool colors (e.g. blue) represent low count and hot colors (e.g. yellow) represent a high count of points in the area. The legend is located at the top left hand side of the map and is available once you’ve zoomed in to see the points and the heat layer analysis. The flag point show a cluster that is scattered on the West side of campus near Kincaid Street and is between 11th Avenue and 18th Avenue. The heat analysis helps us identify a high point cluster in between the HEDCO building and Frohnmayer Music building, as it is yellow when you zoom in enough to see the point and heat layer. As one zooms in, the heat changes because the area around the point are more distanced. While zooming in, the heat shows an area near the Frohnmayer Music building that is still in the high zone of the scale (red) even though the area around it have become cool colors because the points in these areas are further away from each other.
Cholera Deaths Density Map
This map also contains the geospatial data on the deaths of the cholera outbreak. This map has a density analysis layer. The darker the shade of purple the higher the density of points in the square mile area. This also map also support a significantly high cluster of deaths are located near the HEDCO and Frohnmayer Music buildings. As you zoom in the area you get a better picture that shows that the highest density of deaths are located near the Frohnmayer.