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Since its inception in 2006, Charity: Water has quickly risen to become one of the preeminent non-profit organizations in the world. Their mission to bring “clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations” guides every action taken by the company. With founder Scott Harrison having no prior experience running an international charitable organization, how then have they become so successful in the seven years they’ve existed?

The answer is in their creative use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Our team focused on four different areas in which Charity: Water utilizes social media to effectively promote and maintain a positive  brand for their organization.

Each of us took different approaches to examining how they utilize social media. With four different perspectives and independent research, our aim is to provide a holistic and diverse approach to their social media strategies. The work this organization has done in the past seven years has been nothing short of incredible, and we hope our findings accurately reflect their innovative strategies in the social media sphere.

4 theories in PR are exhibited throughout in Charity: Water’s social media efforts:

Social Exchange Theory

Actions Assembly Theory

Systems Theory

Diffusion of Innovation Theory


Charity: Water is reinventing the way we think about charitable organizations, largely through the internal belief in living out their mission. Effectively communicating this to their publics has provided the opportunity to help millions of people around the world.


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