What can be said about Turkmenistan and its environmental issues is quite astonishing. Since Turkmenistan is one of the leading producers in gas and oil it is creating sever damage to the environment. The statistics are also insane. The oil industry in Turkmenistan accounts for 75-80% of the national emissions of pollutants. This increase in the greenhouse gas emissions is based on the growth of energy consumption
Another environmental issue in Turkmenistan is the contamination of soil and groundwater. This is because of the chemicals, pesticides, and salination caused from the poor irrigation systems. Feeding off poor water is the desiccation of the aril sea and desertification which reduces the amount of arable land in Turkmenistan’s territory. To make matters worse, after being run by the Soviet Union that environmental regulation is still in effect form the 80s. As a result, not much has changed making the issues in Turkmenistan even worse.