Stating the Problem

It has been very tempting, since we started brainstorming about our proposal ,to come up with immediate solutions. When my team and I started working on the expanded POV statement we were able to address a need we all agreed on that addressed a problem. Once we were able to establish a POV statement the want ad was much easier to create. Creating the want ad was a different way to look at the problem we were addressing. At least for me, it made the problem we were addressing more clear.

When I got together with my group to talk about our presentation the focus of the group was centered around the solution to the problem. As for what I saw in the examples in class, my understanding of the presentation requirement was not necessarily to state our solution but to explain and convince the LCB committee about the problem we see in the LCB and state potential ways we can fix it. I thought maybe I had misunderstood and I was not going to question them but then I decided to voice my opinion and challenge the process(one of the 5 practices I ranked low in).  I asked them if they were sure that was what we needed to do and I explained why I thought differently. In the end they agreed that we should state our problem first and mention one or multiple solutions to our problem.

The more comfortable I start to get with my team the more courage I have to challenge the process. I am able to voice my opinion and express my thoughts even when I think I may be wrong. I look forward to continue asking questions and expressing my thoughts when I deem it necessary.

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