Day four of being in Copenhagen. Today comprised of a tour with the consulting firm Copenhagenize, which focuses on creating bicycle infrastructure in cities around the world. We meet the CEO aka Mort at their offices in the northern part of Copenhagen. We came to learn more about the company, the history of how bicycles came to be the main mode of transit in Copenhagen, and then tour of the city learning about current projects and how they will effect bicycling in Copenhagen. This was a very valuable experience because Mort used to be the mayor of Copenhagen when a lot of the larger bike infrastructure was being implemented, because of this he gave us a lot more background of what it took to get things done. He touched on how funding was produced and how to talk up the idea to the City Council.
Throughout the day, I observed various different types of bicycle infrastructure being used. I observed four different types that I plan on sharing with you.
The first thing that caught my attention, that we found during the tour, is designated parking for cargo bike. Having a place to park a cargo bike allows for better consolidation of space on sidewalks and public places. This also allows the user to secure them to the rack, without fear of getting it stolen, a real problem facing owners because of their re-sale value. Cargo bikes allow for all sorts of people to use them for different purposes from hauling kids to plumbers taking their various equipment for service calls. This allows for heavy vehicles to be replaced by longer bikes freeing space on the roadways.
The second was the bike only “Snake Bridge”. This bridge is only for bike users crossing the harbor in the southern part of Copenhagen. Because this bridge is dedicated for bikes, it has allowed for a larger number of trips back and forth, making it easier for bike users to cross the harbor without coming in contact with vehicles. This also allows users to focus more on the bikes around them, not the vehicles passing by. The video shares a bit of what the bridge looks like and the design of the “snake”
The third, adopted by Copenhagen, is the use of bicycle traffic lights. Because bicycles have their own separate travel lane, they use a different set of lights. This allows for the safest crossing at intersections. This technology could be helpful in Eugene allowing for bicycles to go first then vehicles allowing for a head start and getting out of the way.
The fourth, was the yield markings on the pavement before certain intersections. The simple marking tells whoever it faces, to yield at the upcoming intersection. I also like that this warning is on the pavement and not on a sign above the road where bicyclist are not looking. This also allows for the other users of the system to know they may have the right of way or not.
Overall this day was very informative on the different types of infrastructure used throughout the city. The four items I mentioned are all things I would consider adding to the bicycle infrastructure in Eugene. If I had to put them in order in importance, it would be; the bike only bridges, the yield markings, cargo bike parking, and bike light signals. I chose the bike bridges as number one because of the lack of connections over the Willamette, I feel it allows more commuters to fall back on car driving. I hope to see these changes come to the Eugene- Springfield area eventually.