
Day four of being in Copenhagen. Today comprised of a tour with the consulting firm Copenhagenize, which focuses on creating bicycle infrastructure in cities around the world. We meet the CEO aka Mort at their offices in the northern part of Copenhagen. We came to learn more about the company, the history of how bicycles came to be the main mode of transit in Copenhagen, and then tour of the city learning about current projects and how they will effect bicycling in Copenhagen. This was a very valuable experience because Mort used to be the mayor of Copenhagen when a lot of the larger bike infrastructure was being implemented, because of this he gave us a lot more background of what it took to get things done. He touched on how funding was produced and how to talk up the idea to the City Council.


Throughout the day, I observed various different types of bicycle infrastructure being used. I observed four different types that I plan on sharing with you.


The first thing that caught my attention, that we found during the tour, is designated parking for cargo bike. Having a place to park a cargo bike allows for better consolidation of space on sidewalks and public places. This also allows the user to secure them to the rack, without fear of getting it stolen, a real problem facing owners because of their re-sale value. Cargo bikes allow for all sorts of people to use them for different purposes from hauling kids to plumbers taking their various equipment for service calls. This allows for heavy vehicles to be replaced by longer bikes freeing space on the roadways.


The second was the bike only “Snake Bridge”. This bridge is only for bike users crossing the harbor in the southern part of Copenhagen. Because this bridge is dedicated for bikes, it has allowed for a larger number of trips back and forth, making it easier for bike users to cross the harbor without coming in contact with vehicles. This also allows users to focus more on the bikes around them, not the vehicles passing by. The video shares a bit of what the bridge looks like and the design of the “snake”


The third, adopted by Copenhagen, is the use of bicycle traffic lights. Because bicycles have their own separate travel lane, they use a different set of lights. This allows for the safest crossing at intersections. This technology could be helpful in Eugene allowing for bicycles to go first then vehicles allowing for a head start and getting out of the way.


The fourth, was the yield markings on the pavement before certain intersections. The simple marking tells whoever it faces, to yield at the upcoming intersection. I also like that this warning is on the pavement and not on a sign above the road where bicyclist are not looking. This also allows for the other users of the system to know they may have the right of way or not.


Overall this day was very informative on the different types of infrastructure used throughout the city. The four items I mentioned are all things I would consider adding to the bicycle infrastructure in Eugene. If I had to put them in order in importance, it would be;  the bike only bridges, the yield markings, cargo bike parking, and bike light signals. I chose the bike bridges as number one because of the lack of connections over the Willamette, I feel it allows more commuters to fall back on car driving. I hope to see these changes come to the Eugene- Springfield area eventually.






Well it has started to rain, so my summer trip has turned into a February day in Oregon. The second part of Saturday was finished up with a bike tour of Copenhagen. This excursion was a bit of a culture shock for the group. Our tour guide Mike gave us an insight on Danish culture and what their humor consists of. One of our first stops was in Copenhagen’s “ghetto”, for us Americans we were confused at first, how was this is a ghetto? To give you an idea of where we were, it was a normal neighborhood with a playground surrounded with restaurants with locals taking an evening stroll. Now with that in mind, picture a group of 20 of us giving each other looks like, is he crazy. Mike then proceeds to tell else this area has some of the most dangerous people in all of Denmark. People now are whispering to each other, wtf is up with this guy? We then get yelled at by an on looker, who curses at Mike telling him to “fuck off”. This is when he decides to move on to the next stop, the University of Copenhagen. A gorgeous campus that showcases Danish modern architecture comprised of brick and sharp edges. We find out this campus has a lot of resources funneled toward research in the health care sector. We then hear how the Danish are number one in the world for creating anti-depressants and diabetes medicine, most of it originating from this university. The diabetes medicine alone makes up 20% of Denmark’s GDP (gross domestic product). This was then followed with the comment of how America has practically created this industry here in Denmark. This was mind blowing to me, the fact that America fuels a large part of a countries GDP is insane. We finished up the tour in front of the royal palace were where started talking about what the Danish feel are important. And he mentioned how important it is that everyone gets taken care of, we saw this in the “ghetto”. He shared how a lot of people get upset with him on that comment because it is seen as rude, rather, he is showing the Danish bare minimum. When Americans think of ghettos we think of an area where crime is rampant, and the neighborhood is run down. Whereas the Danish he said look after each other, understand hardships happen, and that it’s hard to get out of those hardships. By giving people standard of living they in turn are a benefit on society rather than a drain. He then shared how the research of medicine has helped drive the Danish to focus more on preventive health care rather than treating things last minute. Which lower costs and allow the Danish to focus on enjoying life. This was valuable for me, giving me a chance to step back and focus on what my priorities are in life, I want to know how I feel, before I get to what I am doing. Having a good feeling is far healthier in the long run. With that said, I was getting hungry, riding to a 100-food stall area where there was food from all corners of the world. This was the perfect cap to my evening.


Waking up the next day. Everyone had received a message on WhatsApp explaining it was time to pair up and go on a scavenger hunt. The hunt was seven descriptions of things we had to take photos of, it ranged from; what is the most Danish pastry you can find and take a picture experiencing hygge (WHO-GA) the term used to explain the feeling of being cozy and warm. My team set out and for 5 hours we were riding around Copenhagen finding creative ways to take photos. This was fun and exciting allowing to get to know someone else in the group. Overall my group came up with some interesting material, we will see if we are the winner of anything.


To finish up the day, a couple of us went to see the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Going to a local pub and watching with a room full of Danes and Americans. This was rewarding coming together watching the game and talking to each other, the human connection at its finest.

The first photo is from the ride with Mike. The second and third photo is from my group’s scavenger hunt.




Well I have arrived in Copenhagen yesterday. So much was going on I did not have the time to stop and write out a post. As soon as I arrived, I made it over to Copenhagen’s central city where I checked into the hostel, which was followed by an orientation. After the orientation, the fun started. We were all assigned the following assignment; follow someone and see where it takes you. So, without too much thinking, I got my bike and set out to do that very thing. The first person I followed had me going into very crowded streets as well as dodging cars and baby strollers. Later I found out that one should walk their bike instead of riding a bike. Lesson learnt!  This person I was followed eventually got off their bike and went home, leaving me in the very southern part of the central city by the meat packing district. The next person I followed took me back up north. They were mainly on the street; this was good because I felt more comfortable in this setting. This also had me interacting with other bicyclist on the road which made see how the whole “system” works. Our professor mentioned how riding in the cycle track is similar to a stream, the bicyclists are like water flowing around obstacles. Me being an obstacle at some parts along the way, the other bicyclists would just go around me continuing their journey without a hitch. Being in this environment did not intimidate me, more then anything it comforted me, and I felt safe. Another thing that I liked about this experience was that everyone was going at their own pace, because of how the system is set up no one is rushing to get from A to B. This is because there are hardly any stop signs and the bicyclist have their own set of lights.


Today, I set out to go the Danish Design Museum with the featured exhibit on Danish Chairs. Yes, just chairs and they were some nice chairs. Along with chairs they had more items that have defined Danish design ranging from bicycles to coffee pots. This museum show cased the Danes values in design; quality, simple yet detail oriented. Seeing these values was eye opening to me, I feel like American society often gets caught up with cheap quality and how quick it can hit the store shelves which takes away from the longevity of the design. The photo I am sharing today is from the Danish Design Museum. This chair is a replica of the two-part shell chair designed by Hans J. Wegener 1963.

– Chip


For my last day here, I was able to try out some biking in Central London. In the morning I set out to Primrose Hill to go along the Regent Canal. Once making it to the canal I found myself a JUMP, an electric assist bike, which I rode to a new area called Granary Square. Granary Square used to be an area where massive oil drums were kept up until the 1980s. This industrial area was revamped and now is a gathering place made up of shops, restaurants, apartments, Central Saint Martins, green spaces, and nearby King’s Cross train station. What I learned fast when I was finished with my ride is that many areas are off limits for parking the JUMP bike. This was not problematic, but later found out there are whole neighborhoods blocked out because of the fears of bikes piling up on sidewalks.  I moved from Granary Square to lunch for some amazing Indian food at a place named Darjeeling Express. Afterwards I found myself on the tube, this time going to the V & A to learn about the food and sustainability. The exhibit stressed a lot about the use of transportation in our food systems and how society is at this place where we don’t want to sacrifice some products, we can currently find at a grocery store. After the exhibit I decided it was time to come home, so to put the cherry on the top I took a double decker bus to finish off my whirlwind tour of London. Tomorrow I will be off to Copenhagen to meet with the rest of the group.

– Chip


Well, I made it across the pond. Having a direct flight from Portland to London Heathrow allowed for me to get some sleep in. Once landed, I hopped onto an express train from Heathrow to Paddington station to where I took the tube. The total time of travel was little under and hour, it would have taken me longer if I had traveled via uber. It was not difficult at all, the whole layout of the tube is very easy to navigate, the signage is on point. For the short time I was here I was staying with my cousin Kate, who works for parliament. As soon as I walked through my cousins’ door, I was introduced to her god father. An editor for the magazine Urban Design. We sat and chatted about my study abroad program and was very intrigued about my studies. After spending and hour and a half, he said his goodbyes and I could unpack. Only staying one and half days in London I am eager to get as many opportunities to explore. Having the chance to rest I got my tote bag and set out for Covent Garden in central London. As I got on the tube, I couldn’t help but wonder how much already of the day I have relied on public transportation to get around. This accessibility to get places is something that has always fascinated me and driven me to explore new places without ever hesitating to try the local public transportation. As I get off and walk up the stairs, my destination came into sight. I had come to the London Transport Museum. I mean might as well geek out on transportation while I am here. The museum, shows the evolution of the London public transportation, setting the scene in the 1830’s to present day. Having come here as a child and now coming again as an adult, it was nice to really soak in the information and appreciate the exhibit. One of the more interesting parts of the exhibit is the amount of design that went into creating the signage used throughout the London Transport system. I also really enjoyed viewing the original underground train that was used back in the 1850s. The exhibit showed how system grow over time, it is truly remarkable to me how the system is in constant use and has not completely collapsed itself yet. As my day comes to an end, I look forward on what I plan on doing tomorrow, who knows maybe I will attempt riding a bike share in central London.

– Chip



Hello! My name is Chip, I am a senior at the University of Oregon focusing on transportation planning. The purpose of this blog is to share my travels throughout Europe using alternative modes of transportation, aka anything but cars. On this website I will update you daily about my day. These updates will comprise of a photo or maybe a lengthy rant…who knows?!

I am currently a week away from arriving to Copenhagen. Since being released for summer break I    have been nonstop. Coordinating graduation with my family, helping my boyfriend move, going on a camping trip in the Willamette National Forest, visiting Bend, and  having to train and compete at 70.3 Ironman in Coeur d’Alene. All these things have helped me get through the month of June and I am ready for what July brings.

My hopes for this trip is to learn more about alternative forms of transportation and also give me insight on what a high volume bicycle transport system can offer. This trip will allow me to visit Europe and just focus on transportation, something I have not focused on with past visits. Other things I am looking forward to are the long bike rides in the danish country side, the professional site visits at world class design firms, and getting the chance to meet with Copenhagen’s city officials.

I hope you enjoy my journey,
