Malmö to Utrecht

Day thirteen. Today was travel day from Malmö to Utrecht, in the Netherlands. We first took a train to the Copenhagen Airport where we then took a plane to Amsterdam. From Amsterdam we took a train to Utrecht. The whole process took five and a halve hours, arriving around 11:30 am at our hostel. The convivence of taking the train to and from the airport couldn’t have been any easier. Both airports had train platforms steps away from baggage claim, making it very accessible and convenient. The ticketing system for the trains is I hadn’t seen before for a regional train. Instead of getting a ticket punched by a conductor, the used gets a card similar to one used for a metro. The user scans the card when boarding the platform and when exciting the station. This is a good way of gathering data on how the network is used throughout the regional network.


The rest of the day I was watching how the Dutch used their bikes on their road infrastructure and the differences to Malmö and Copenhagen. So far, the Dutch are a bit crazy not really following traffic lights. The mentality is more like, if no one is there I will cross. They also have less road markings then in Copenhagen. Tomorrow I will have my chance to experience it for myself as well as touring the city.



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