
The Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Advisory Team (CBGReAT) is made up of five chemistry graduate students from the different departmental divisions, and elected by their peers.

CBGReAT values all feedback that you may have regarding the department or the graduate program. Feel free to contact us at or provide feedback anonymously with our survey.


Audrey Davenport (she/her) – Organic/Inorganic/Materials Representative

Year/lab: Fourth year, Brozek lab

Fun fact: I could eat pancakes for every meal.





Quinn Valentine (they/them) – Organic/Inorganic/Materials Representative

Year/lab: Fifth year, Brozek lab

Fun fact: My favorite way to de-stress is to go on midnight drives through the mountains.





Zach Walbrun (he/him) – Physical Chemistry Representative

Year/lab: Sixth year, Wong lab

Fun fact: I’ve been making homemade pizza every Saturday since I moved to Eugene!





Sofia Carlson (she/her) – Biochemistry Representative

Year/lab: Fifth year, Nolen lab

Fun fact: I love hats and can’t stop adding new ones to my collection. 





Laila Nawab (she/her) – At Large Departmental Representative

Year/lab: Fourth year, Wong lab

Fun fact: I’m the human form of yelp.