Davis, Emily Jane, Reem Hajjar, Susan Charnley, Cassandra Moseley, Kendra Wendel, and Meredith Jacobson. “Community-based Forestry on Federal Lands in the Western United States: A Synthesis and Call for Renewed Research.” Forest Policy and Economics, 111:102042, 2020.
Schultz, Courtney and Cassandra Moseley. “Collaborations and Capacities to Transform Fire Management.” Science, 366 (6461):38-40, 2019.
Abrams, Jesse, Heidi Huber-Stearns, Hannah Gosnell, Anna Santo, Stacie Duffey, and Cassandra Moseley. “Tracking a Governance Transition: Identifying and Measuring Indicators of Social Forestry on the Willamette National Forest.” Society and Natural Resources, 1-20, 2019.
Kooistra, Chad M. and Cassandra Moseley. “Characteristics of Federal Land Restoration Contractors in the U.S. and Their Perspectives on the Restoration Industry.” Ecological Restoration, 37(1):43-53, 2019.
Abrams, Jesse, Erin C. Pischke, M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado, Amarella Eastmond, Chelsea A. Silva and Cassandra Moseley. “Between Environmental Change and Neoliberalism: The Effects of Oil Palm Production on Livelihood Resilience.” Society and Natural Resources, 32(5): 548-565, 2019.
Schultz, Courtney, Thomas Timberlake, Zachary Wurtzeback, Kathleen McIntyre, Cassandra Moseley, Heidi Huber-Stearns, “Policy Tools to Address Scale Mismatches: Insights from US Forest Governance.” Ecology and Society, 24(1):21, 2019
Mesa-Jurado, Azahara, Jesse Abrams, Erin Pischke, Amarella Eastmond, Chelsea Silva, and Cassandra Moseley. “Between Environmental Change and Neoliberalism: The Effects of Oil Palm Production on Livelihood Resilience.” Society and Natural Resources, 12(7):625-642, 2019.
Huber-Stearns,Heidi, Cassandra Moseley, Chris Bone, Nathan Mosurinjohn, and Katie Lyons. “An Initial Look at Contracted Wildfire Response Capacity in the American West.” Journal of Forestry, 117(1):1-8, 2019.
Dunn, Jennifer L., Jessie L. Knowlton, Robert M. Handler, Erin C. Pischke, Kathleen E. Halvorsen, M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado, Theresa L. Selfa, David J. Flaspohler, Julian Licata, Ena E. Mata-Zayas, Rodrigo Medeiros, Cassandra Moseley, Erik A. Nielsen, Valentin Picasso Risso, Julio C. Sacramento Rivero, Tatiana de Souza, Cesar J. Vazquez Navarrete and Nathan Basiliko. “Lessons from an Interdisciplinary International Bioenergy (BIOPIRE) Project.” In Kathleen. E. Halvorsen, Chelsea Schelly, Robert M. Handler, Erin C. Pischke, and Jessie L. Knowlton, Eds., A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
Abrams, Jesse, Heidi Huber-Stearns, Marlene Luviano, Chris Bone, Michael Nelson, R. Patrick Bixler, and Cassandra Moseley. “Does Policy Respond to Environmental Change Events? An analysis of Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemics in the Western United States.” Environmental Science and Policy, 90:102-109, 2018.
Schultz, Courtney, Kathleen McIntyre, Laren Cyphers, Chad Kooistra, Autumn Ellison, and Cassandra Moseley. “Policy Design to Support Forest Restoration: The Value of Focused Investment and Collaboration.” Forests, 9(9):512, 2018.
Abrams, Jesse, Erik Nielsen, Diana Diaz, Theresa Selfa, Erika Adams, Jennifer Dunn, and Cassandra Moseley, “How to States Benefit from Nonstate Governance? Evidence from Forest Sustainability Certification.” Global Environmental Politics, 18(3):66-85, 2018.
Nielsen-Pincus, Max, Cody Evers, Moseley, Cassandra, Heidi Huber-Stearns, R. Patrick Bixler, “Local Capacity to Engage in Wildfire Suppression Efforts: An Explanation of Variability in Local Capture of Wildfire Suppression Contracts.” Forest Science, 64(5):480-490, 2018.
Davis, Emily Jane, Jesse Abrams, Eric M. White, and Cassandra Moseley, “Current Challenges and Realities for Forest-Based Businesses Adjacent to Public Lands in the United States.” The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 13(1):125-142, 2018.
Quirke, Douglas, Cassandra Moseley, and Jesse Abrams, “Between Community Stability and the ‘Greatest Good’ Legal Obligations of the Forest Service Toward Rural Communities, 1891-2016.” Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation, 32:169-189, 2017.
Kooistra, Chad M., Cassandra Moseley, Heidi Huber-Stearns, and Stacy Rosenberg, “Western Oregon Forest Landowner Beliefs About the Outcomes of Mandatory Riparian Buffer Regulations.” Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 37(1):56-76, 2017.
Abrams, Jesse, Heidi Huber-Stearns, Chris Bone, Christine Grummon, and Cassandra Moseley, “Adaptation to a Landscape-Scale Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic in the Era of Networked Governance: The Enduring Importance of Bureaucratic Institutions.” Ecology and Society, 22(4):22, 2017.
Abrams, Jesse, Emily Jane Davis, Cassandra Moseley, and Branda Nowell. “Building Practical Authority for Community Forest in and through Networks: The Role of Community-Based Organizations in the U.S. West.” Environmental Policy and Governance, 27(4):85-297, 2017.