Posts under tag: drupal-hosting
History Courses
History Courses is a Drupal site created for the History Department. It is used by faculty to submit courses they would like to teach. History administrator then take the requests and plan the year’s course offerings. The site is hosted on Drupal Central Hosting.
CASIT Projects
Site created to intake projects CASIT web services should work on. We created this site in Drupal and it is hosted on Drupal Central Hosting.
Biology Grad DB Upgrade
We upgraded the Biology Graduate database from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. The site is now hosted on Drupal Central Hosting.
SCI Database Site
A database site to showcase courses, projects from SCI
We created this site in Drupal and hosted in UO Drupal hosting. Visit the site
CASweb Drupal
CASweb, the administrative website of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), it supports and facilitates the administrative functions of departments and programs in CAS. We recreated the site in Drupal primarily to help content editors manage their content. The site is hosted on Drupal Central Hosting.
Tribal Climate Change Guide
Drupal site created for Tribal Climate Change Project. The site hosts a variety of information in different tabs that can be searched through using keyword search.
Large Scale Drupal at the University of Oregon
This was presented at the 2015 Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit.
Session Summary
If you manage multiple Drupal sites, you know how challenging designing and supporting your service can be. Aside from dealing with software updates, versioning, and release management, you have to respond to the needs of your clients. What happens when your hosting clients are developers?
This is the challenge we’ve taken on at the University of Oregon. In this session, we’ll discuss some of the difficulties we’ve faced and the solutions we’ve developed to meet the needs of siloed developers from around campus. Our solution uses Drupal resources from across campus to provide features like SSL, Shibboleth, Git hosting and more.
The Problem
At the UO we have struggled with decentralized staffing, duplication of efforts, fragmented infrastructure, lack of central resources/support and lack of institutional support. We have a continuous desire for modern solutions to keep up with the ever-changing needs of today’s students.
Our Solution
While we lack a strong, central authority to guide technology decisions, we benefit from a strong community of talented developers, most of whom are working with similar Web stacks (i.e. Drupal). Over the last few years, we’ve begun pooling our collective knowledge and resources to build a shared hosting environment based on Aegir.
What You’ll Learn
- Advantages and disadvantages of central hosting.
- Exposure to our process of deploying sites.
- Tips for the care and feeding of developer communities.
- How to balance developer experience with collective safety.
Intended Audience
Nonprofit, Higher Education, Government
- Vid Rowan
- Daniel Mundra
English Department Graduate Student DB
Drupal site for managing graduate students in English department. We created the internal-facing student management system for English department. Authorized faculty or staff can add and manage English graduate students information, faculty information, courses, evaluation and relations among student, advisor, courses, evaluation. This database system also helps walk you through those relations. When you click a student, you will see this student’s advisor, exams, courses taken. When you click a faculty, you will see how many student this faculty advises.
This database system also provides several reports to list all graduate students, query award and check degree for each student.
Genomics and Cell Characterization Core Facility
Drupal site created for Genomics and Cell Characterization Core Facility to help manage Illumina Sequencing request workflow. The site is a recreation of the original one developed by a previous developer in Grails. The site uses the Cosmic theme.
International Studies Intranet
We created an internal-facing document management site for the International Studies department that provides faculty and staff with the ability to securely add, manage and access departmental content. Documents entering the system are tagged with a set of business-specific terms that allow for easy categorization and retrieval. Administrative users in International Studies are able to manage the set of available tags as well as administer site-specific security.
UO Spaces
Drupal 7 site to connect to Space data inventory database API to manage space on campus. The site is hosted and managed in Drupal Central Hosting. The UO Spaces project is a joint venture with InfoGraphics Lab.
Physics Intranet
Drupal site for the Physics department. The site is used by Physics to keep track of department documentation.