
The COE Center for Assessment, Statistics, and Evaluation (CASE) is organized around three important functions, serving as a resource for faculty members and graduate students throughout the College of Education, the University of Oregon, and the larger community to:

(a) provide technical support for statistical analysis and research design using a variety of models and software,

(b) assist researchers and practitioners in assessment and measurement issues generally around instrument development and specifically on e-assessments, and

(c) serve as a contract unit to provide program evaluations and technical support for state and local educational agencies throughout Oregon as well as departments within the university.

The center is affiliated with the Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership (EMPL) and also serves as a resource and partner in activities that foster the preparation, support, and professional development of students, faculty, and professionals outside the university in quantitative methods and research design through coursework, workshops, summer institutes, and distributed education opportunities.

Click to download a printable copy of our CASE Brochure.