Law and Order Takes on Weinergate

According to the Huffington Post, in October of 2013, word of a scandalous episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit began spreading around the media circuit.  The episode’s storyline bore a rather strong resemblance to the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal.  As a major network series, millions of viewers tuned in. During the episode, the offending mayor sent explicit pictures to another woman, which strikingly resemble the infamous pictures of Anthony Weiner that is eternally burned into our retinas.  However, these were not the only similarities.

Munoz, the Weiner-like character, also refused to resign from the mayoral campaign closely resembling Anthony Weiner’s political  decision.  However, Law and Order writers decided to up the ante by having Munoz sext his inappropriate pictures to a 15 year-old girl, whereas Weiner’s messages were sent to adults.  This interpretation of the Weiner sexting scandal creates an “even skeevier” version of Weiner’s dirty deeds.

This rather engaging convergence of media and scandal, gives a somewhat entertaining inside look at the Weinergate scandal.  This form of media and popular culture association allows audiences a new look at the immoral and questionable behavior of Anthony Weiner.  Law and Order claims that “this story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event,” but we all know that is simply untrue. Despite the episode being quite entertaining, there are undoubtedly multiple parallels between the plotline and Weiner’s scandal.


This image illustrates the unmistakable physical resemblance of Munoz, Law and Order, and Weiner.



Social Learning Theory and Education Entertainment allow us to process information in a different, more amusing way:

  • The likelihood of a certain behavior is determined by specific consequences.
  • There more positive the expectation, the more likely they behavior is to occur.
  • We, as humans, learn from observing others
  • We use role model’s behavior based on their outcome.  If the behavior gets them what they want, we are likely to try it too.
  • Education through Entertainment allows different audiences to learn about certain political or traditional newsworthy issues.
  • For those who would otherwise not watch the news or read the paper
  • What we see on TV is how we, not only learn, but emulate our lives

This theory of social learning fits this example because, this episode of Law and Order sheds light on the Weiner scandal allowing the targeted viewing audience to amusingly educate themselves on the slanderous and topical issue.

In this prime example, I would argue that Law and Order was simply aiming to draw in viewers.  The use of a recent and extremely publicized scandal was ingenious.  However, the lack of response from not only the Weiner campaign staff, but Weiner himself is alarming.  The inadequate use of communication with entertainment media creates an issue of dismissal and lack of reactiveness. The constraint recognition, how the public perceives obstacles, becomes negatively affected.

With tools like entertainment education and social media, it is not shocking that the Weiner campaign was destined for embarrassing failure.


Here is the promo for the episode entitled “October Surprise” which aired October 23rd 2013.

‘Law & Order: SVU’ to Take on the Anthony Weiner Story


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