Lab 2 Answers
Caleb Stevens
- We discovered in Lab 1 that different projections will move points around on your map. By ensuring that the datum in the GPS is the same as the map we are adding them to, we can assume they will be accurately displayed spatially.
- The Campus data layers are in a “GCS_North_American_1983_HARN”, whereas the Lights_New is “GCS_GRS_1980(IUGG, 1980)
- I set the buffer for the call boxes to 100 ft. This seemed like a reasonable distance for someone to have to run to in a timely manner if something was going wrong. It would only take the average person a few seconds to run that distance.
- In order to figure out what walkways were outside the callbox buffer AND the light buffer, I would use the Intersect Tool and use those two layers (walks_nolight & walks_no_callbox) as the input. The output result would give me a layer where the two layers intersected.
- The areas nearest major streets (Alder, University, Franklin) seem adequately lit and supplied with call boxes. The areas in the center of campus, mainly between University St. (Gerlinger Hall) and the Art Museum and the Knight Library are both ill lit AND don’t have a call box nearby. I would suggest putting a few lights along those walkways, along with a callbox somewhere centrally located within that “dark zone”.
- Some issues are that the criminal data didn’t specify whether or not some of the crimes were in the east hall or west hall of certain buildings like Bean (Robert Sharp) Hall Complex or Living-Learning Center for instance. Since these buildings in the Attributes Table of the “Buildings” layer specify North or South, I simply assigned a N or S to the crime data.
- I think a better history of crime that has occurred on campus would be beneficial and even comparing data prior to the installation of emergency call boxes with the amount of crimes that are committed WITH the call boxes would be an interesting thing to look at if said data is in fact available. When using buffers to determine what areas are “safer”, you are unable to see the actual area and its characteristics. The buffer may paint a false picture. Yes, there’s a lamp there, but are there trees/ buildings that create shadows/ darker than usual places. And corners of campus that are less traveled may be prone to theft/ assault that a buffer might not be able to depict.
Overview Map
Map of lights
Map of Callboxes
Map of crimes