CAER Is Hiring Staff for 2018–2019

CAER is hiring staff for the 2018–2019 school year. Check out the position descriptions below. Each position requires a 5-hour time commitment each week, with 2 of those hours spent staffing the CAER office in the EMU Multicultural Center. You must be a current UO student to apply. Students of color and native and indigenous students are especially encouraged to apply for these leadership positions. Submit a cover letter and resume to Please put “Staff Position” in the subject line. Deadline to Apply: Saturday, May 26

2018–2019 CAER Staff Positions

The director position requires strong organizational and leadership skills. The CAER director is responsible for planning and facilitating general and staff meetings and for acting as a spokesperson and representative for CAER. The director prepares informative presentations for each meeting and coordinate activities and discussions in both the general and staff meetings. Directors also take a leadership role in planning the annual Environmental Justice conference, overseeing the tasks of other members. Moreover, managerial duties such as coordinating office hours, administering stipends, and checking the email account are also required. We are seeking someone who is organized, motivated, and self directed to fill this position. Responsibilities include the following:

  • Plan and facilitate staff and general meetings
    • Informative presentations on EJ topics
    • Set the agenda for staff meetings
    • Be open to other members presenting for general meetings
  • Lead the EJ conference planning
    • Delegate tasks to other members
    • Manage outreach to potential speakers
  • Maintain open communication between members
  • Coordinate office hours
  • Administer stipends
  • Check CAER email regularly
  • Be a spokesperson for CAER

Finance Coordinator
The Finance Coordinator’s main responsibility is the management of the CAER budget that is allocated from the ASUO. We are seeking someone who is organized, motivated, and self directed to fill this position. The new Finance Coordinator will be trained and expected to execute the following tasks:

  • Submit a budget proposal for the 2019–2020 school year and attend the corresponding budget hearing
  • Update CAER members about the status of the budget
  • Navigate the ASUO Controllers
    • Obtain purchase orders
    • Write and submit contracts
    • Submit and lead the presentation for Senate Special Requests
  • Work with the Community Liaison and Internal Outreach Coordinator positions to coordinate fundraising efforts
  • Help with conference planning and execution

Marketing Coordinator
The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for marketing CAER events to the campus community (students, staff, and faculty), other colleges and campuses in Oregon, and the larger Eugene community. We are seeking someone who is organized, motivated, and self directed to fill this position. Responsibilities include the following:

  • Designing posters and flyers to promote CAER events, meetings, conference and other important issues.
  • Manage the CAER email and social media accounts
  • Market CAER’s annual environmental justice event on campus, in Eugene, and throughout Oregon

Internal Outreach Coordinator
The Internal Outreach Coordinator is responsible for recruiting student organizations to join CAER as member organizations meanwhile maintaining campus relationships with different student organizations and other campus stakeholders. They also recruit campus community (students, staff, and faculty) to attend CAER events, meetings, and the annual conference. We are seeking someone who is organized, motivated, and self directed to fill this position. Responsibilities include the following:

  • Fostering a partnership with departments and student groups (Ethnic Studies, Environmental Studies, The Multicultural Student Unions, Student Sustainability Center, etc.)
  • Coordinating joint meetings and events with other student unions
  • Manage the CAER email
  • Coordinate recruitment campaigns on campus
  • Help with conference planning, promotion, and execution
  • Coordinate with the Finance Director to fundraise for the CAER conference and other events

Community Liaison
The Community Liaison is responsible for connecting and maintaining relations with the larger Eugene community, particularly EJ organizations. This involves taking initiative to coordinate events with other groups in the community. The community liaison must also maintain active CAER social media accounts so that the community feels connected with our organization. We are seeking someone who is organized, motivated, and self directed to fill this position. Responsibilities include the following:

  • Network with Eugene EJ organizations
  • Coordinate events with the community
  • Manage CAER email
  • Outreach to CAER alumni
  • Help with EJ conference planning, promotion, and execution
  • Help with outreach to potential speakers

CAER’s 24th Annual Environmental Justice Conference Hosts Dr. Sharon Sutton and Others

CAER hosted our 24th Annual Environmental Justice Conference on April 14, 2018.  Check out a few photos of the event:

Dr. Sharon Egretta Sutton during the Q&A after her keynote address, “Disrupting Urban Inequality: A Vision of Inclusive Redevelopment”:


Beyond Toxics presenting “Environmental Justice 101”:


OPAL Environmental Justice presenting on Just Transition: