Plant Survey

Saoirse documenting an invasive population

Mya intuitively meandering while conducting a meadow survey


To evaluate and map the plant populations within the upland prairie at Dorris Ranch, the team conducted plant surveys on priority native showy wildflowers and invasive species. This allows for an accurate visualization and understanding of what species exist and their distribution within the prairie. We used the intuitive meander method to walk throughout the prairie in lines and record patch sizes of more than 9 ft².

The population of each plant patch was sorted into size classes, location was geolocated and recorded, and the coverage area was estimated. Distribution was identified within a classification system which included: I (isolated individuals), C (clumps), W (widely dispersed), and D (dominant). In conjunction with management practices such as mowing and spraying, we identified populations of invasive species that required rapid response. This data ultimately helped to understand the distribution of plant species which better guided the restoration and management of the oak prairie.

Bulbous Buttercup

Lomatium nudicaule