Photopoint Methods


A small team went out in May to take updated versions of the photo points last taken in 2020. The photo points were based on marked coordinates referenced in the Avenza maps application. We took each photo from eye level (approximately five feet from the ground), in matching orientation to the previous photos in each location, and at a three megapixel resolution. We also made an effort to maintain the same angle and framing as the previous photos by using landmarks and other tools to ensure the photo composition remains as similar as possible to the past photo points. Additionally, a sign was included within each photo which had the date, location, and photo point number for ease of reference. These images helped compare areas throughout Dorris Ranch, and allow us and the managers of the park to visualize restoration efforts.

Example Photo-points

Above: The woodland suffered ecroachment from Douglas-fir and big-leaf maple encroachment in the before image. After restorative thinning, oaks again dominate the woodland, and the orchard is seeded with filbert sapplings.