Oak Map
When conducting our oak surveys we separated the woodland into 5 sections to more efficiently collect data and track our progress. Below is a map of how we differentiated each section, which was mostly separated by natural breaks or borders within the woodland. The colored dots represent the distribution of different crown shapes. The legend represents asymmetrical-, vase-, columnar-, and mushroom-shaped respectively.
![Screen Shot 2022-06-04 at 9.31.28 AM](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/birdsandblooms/files/2022/06/Screen-Shot-2022-06-04-at-9.31.28-AM.png)
Prairie Map
This prairie map analyzed area coverage and distribution of native wildflower species throughout the meadow.
![Screen Shot 2022-06-04 at 9.25.30 AM](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/birdsandblooms/files/2022/06/Screen-Shot-2022-06-04-at-9.25.30-AM.png)
Photopoint Map
The photopoints were replicated based off previous photopoints collected in past restoration efforts and used to track canopy density and general plant coverage throughout the meadow and oakwoodland. Where each photo was taken and what the photopoint was referred to as can be found in the photo below.
![photo point map](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/birdsandblooms/files/2022/06/photo-point-map.jpg)
Bird Map
Maps weren’t used within our bird methods only when referring to Bob Altman’s path, which was replicated, and the oak woodland path, which was added in order to highlight bird species that stay within the wooded area. The map of the two paths is represented below with the oak woodland path in green and Bob Altman’s path in yellow.
![altman paths](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/birdsandblooms/files/2022/05/altman-paths.jpg)