Form and Performance

Natural Models for Environmental Fitness

Form and Performance

Jan 22, 2016 Class notes

I. Review

Q. How can we generate points (0,0), (10,0), (20,0), (30,0), (40,0), (50,0)?
A.Use a Series that starts with zero, steps 10 and has a count of 6

Q. How can we generate petals of a flower that are interactive (number and

A. Use the Rotate command and feed in a list of angle numbers: i.e. Start = 0, Step = 90 and Count = 4

Q. How can we identify a specific petal to adjust?
A. List Item will isolate the Nth of a group.


II. Remap numbers



A) Set the time with Rhino: Sun command
Outputs sun vector, numbers for altitude and azimuth
Remap number to move solar module.

B) Solar Arc: Set the Julian Day manually, Adjust sunrise to sunset % to override hour.

C) My Shadow


  • A) Weather Visualization
    1. 000_Sky
    2. 3D Graph (similar to 00 Getting
    3. 0 Wind use an Analysis Period
  • B) 03_Sun Path
  • C) Solar Radiation ( or

Jan 20 Class Notes

  1. Handback Assignment 1
  2. Jean’s Presentation, Review Schedule
  3. Review Homework & Questions. If there is interest, show how to do examples (on Course Folder)
    1. Fern
    2. Spiral Shell / Treety
    3. Paneling tools
  1. Discuss Homework 1C :
    1. Hand-in PDF & Rhino GH to Course Folder, bring Hardcopy to class
    2. Heliotrope, Ladybug Install, what they do
  2. Systems Thinking:
    1. Dryer
    2. Causal Graphs
    3. Food Cycle
    4. Water examples

Jan 15 Grasshopper session 2

AGENDA 1/15/2016    Goal:  Become comfortable with Paneling tools.

  1. Self-quiz / Challenge

160115 GH week2_self-quiz


– Blog:


– Paneling Tools’s Grasshopper Manual and Components examples


Before you start:  Pseudo-Code


GH Examples

– Hypar

– Paneling_Basic

– Polyclose



>> Read Grasshopper Primer 3rd Edition. Browse Paneling Tools for GH, & open most interesting Paneling tool example Components, see if you can modify them to make them your own.

Jan 13 class notes

NEW AMENDED HOMEWORK for next Wednesday 1/20 class in the Friday lab session.  (We will show you how to do this in class on Friday.

polyclose1B SKIN : Parametric Patterns with Paneling Tools 

i. Use Paneling Tools-2DMorph to wrap your shape around surfaces different surfaces.  Create a surface with the shape and bake it.

ii. Solar Module:  Model a panel with a variable aperture through using a sliding, stretching, folding or rotating element.  Make a shape change according to the sun vector angle: scaling, aligning, rotating, etc.

iii. Use Paneling Tools-3DMorph to stretch it between two surfaces.

iv. Create a catalog that shows how this Module could adapt to different sun angles for different orientations or times of day.     OPTIONAL: Use Heliotrope or Ladybug to move the sun vector.


Nature’s wonders are revealed through compressing or expanding time and space: time-lapse and micro/macro photography shows us worlds too slow, fast, tiny or vast to be seen by the unaided eye. Visualization of invisible forces such as heat and air currents are shown.
II. Discussion of Pattern homework
Philip Ball – The Self-Made Tapestry – animated
Animated examples of how nature uses simple processes to generate complex patterns that vary according to the starting condition. A compilation of the gorgeous Youtube clips include Fractals including branching & cracking, Golden Ratio generating a sunflower, animal Stripes vs. Spots. (start at 1:22)
III.  Skins
a. Boundaries are important at all scales:  Cells, Buildings, Ecotones
b. Multiple ways to separate inside from outside environment’s light, heat, moisture, wind:  impermeable, switch, filter, storage
Stewart Brand’s building layers redrawn by Peter Merholz
stewart_brand_building_layers merholz
c.  We can tune components to their environmental setting, i.e. Dana Cupkova’s Epiphyte Labcupkova-icon
NEXT ASSIGNMENT: 3D adjustable module on surface
Download PanelingTools for Grasshopper with Rhino 5.0
Parametric tools to create and manipulate rectangular grids, attractors and support creative morphing of parametric patterns.

Spring Term – Week 4

Class Notes
April 21, 2015

I. Form-Finding: Frei Otto’s Institute of Lightweight Structures, Stuttgart
Digital/Material explorations : AA, Stuttgart, CITA, RMIT

II. Form-Finding: meshes with Kangaroo
In-class:  Create a simple structure in Kangaroo

Revised Assignment 3

Use biomimetic principles to design a module for a wall system that will modulate light as well as collect or direct rainwater.  Then create a GH definition that shows how the module could be adapted for different conditions: either as custom located alternative versions or as a kinetic piece.  Keeping in mind the collective effort to create an installation.
Assume the Willamette Valley situation with dry hot summers and wet cool winters.

For next Wed April 29, each student should address Steps 1 & 2 of the following process, and work with classmates to find a direction.
1. Material: using a biological example or an architectural example based on biomimicry as inspiration, experiment with materials for a structural module
2. Digital:  model an adaptable or dynamic module in GH, cluster and refine

3. Material: Build several revised module prototypess and experiment with module clusters
4. Sketch potential overall forms, plan installation.
5. Submit scheme for installation approaval

6. Digital: Model overall form in Rhino GH
7. Digital: Simulate performance with daylighting simulation and rainwater catchment

8. Gather materials and build


Please read these two articles that are on the course folder under Readings

Related References

Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology (CASE at RPI) develops prototype eco-building systems, including low-tech and high-tech modular facades

MIT Professor Neri Oxman’s video and the Materialecology blog , explains how she uses biology as inspiration. She explains how she designed not objects but new processes for sculpting form from the interface of environment and materials, using computational analysis and fabrication. She likens the designer as a gardener steering towards environmental fitness.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Spring Term – Week 3

Case Study Assignment 2

due Wednesday 4/22

The purpose is to help you see how architects have successfully used biomimicry in their design process. Ideally you will locate someone who has approached a design problem similar to one that you are addressing. Focus on one to three projects by that person.

How does the designer use forms, processes or systems from nature to advance design ideas? (Does this match the Biomimicry 3.8 model?) When is what tool used and for what purpose? What steps are followed in the process from concept to building?

How does the person
 describe the problem
 analyze relevant site, program and precedent information
 generate concepts
 create and evaluate variations (aesthetics, performance criteria?)
 consider constructability & refine material assemblages
 present the project to clients and builders

Create a 10 minute illustrated presentation and upload it as a PDF to the course folder.


The CUMINCAD Index available through the UO Library will have many research papers authored by designers exploring these directions.

Emergent Technology group at the AA & some of their alumni:
Neri Oxman at MIT
Achim Menges at Stuttgart
Andrew Kudless at CCA : Matsys
Jason Johnson and Nataly Gattengo at CCA : Future Cities Lab
Marc Swackhamer (UMN) and Blair Satterfield (UBC): Houminn
Michael Fox (Cal Poly): FoxLin

To follow up on the floral forms, you might enjoy seeing the spectaular floral forms in computer science professor Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz’s “The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants”, a free downloadable book.

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