NEW AMENDED HOMEWORK for next Wednesday 1/20 class in the Friday lab session.  (We will show you how to do this in class on Friday.

polyclose1B SKIN : Parametric Patterns with Paneling Tools 

i. Use Paneling Tools-2DMorph to wrap your shape around surfaces different surfaces.  Create a surface with the shape and bake it.

ii. Solar Module:  Model a panel with a variable aperture through using a sliding, stretching, folding or rotating element.  Make a shape change according to the sun vector angle: scaling, aligning, rotating, etc.

iii. Use Paneling Tools-3DMorph to stretch it between two surfaces.

iv. Create a catalog that shows how this Module could adapt to different sun angles for different orientations or times of day.     OPTIONAL: Use Heliotrope or Ladybug to move the sun vector.


Nature’s wonders are revealed through compressing or expanding time and space: time-lapse and micro/macro photography shows us worlds too slow, fast, tiny or vast to be seen by the unaided eye. Visualization of invisible forces such as heat and air currents are shown.
II. Discussion of Pattern homework
Philip Ball – The Self-Made Tapestry – animated
Animated examples of how nature uses simple processes to generate complex patterns that vary according to the starting condition. A compilation of the gorgeous Youtube clips include Fractals including branching & cracking, Golden Ratio generating a sunflower, animal Stripes vs. Spots. (start at 1:22)
III.  Skins
a. Boundaries are important at all scales:  Cells, Buildings, Ecotones
b. Multiple ways to separate inside from outside environment’s light, heat, moisture, wind:  impermeable, switch, filter, storage
Stewart Brand’s building layers redrawn by Peter Merholz
stewart_brand_building_layers merholz
c.  We can tune components to their environmental setting, i.e. Dana Cupkova’s Epiphyte Labcupkova-icon
NEXT ASSIGNMENT: 3D adjustable module on surface
Download PanelingTools for Grasshopper with Rhino 5.0
Parametric tools to create and manipulate rectangular grids, attractors and support creative morphing of parametric patterns.