I. Inspiration Presentations (10:00)
- Addison
- Isabel
II. Homework (10:20)
III. Genetics (10:40)
Evolutionary Development Master Hox genes turn on genes that create parts of the body. Chicken Teeth can be created when latent extinct genes are accidently activated:
John Conway’s Game of Life video showing the simplest computational genetic system (3:30 min.)
III. Marziah Rajabzadeh and Modi Marizad of ZAAD Studio (11:00)
Prof. Robert Sapolsky on Emergence and Complexity explains mathmatics in the context of biological phenomena: how simple mechanisms can create complexity.
John Frazier’s Evolutionary Architecture
Physical computing: interaction creates electronic connections between modules > Skylar Tibbett’s project to embed intelligence
Concept of creating many unexpected variations
Genetic algorithms create rules for creating the next generation and then making a selection of survivors. (Natural articulated rules vs. Artificial selection through intuition).
Convergent vs. Divergent solutions
The Development system reads the environment and the genes to create results which provides feedback to both. The Genetic algorithm determines how the child variants are created from the parents and how results are sorted.
It has to be a consistent system generating reliable results
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