10:00 Connor presentation w discussion
10:30 Pinup homework / review solar skin approaches
10:50 Introduce New Assignment: GROWTH – Capturing Change
1) What is a system?
(from Daniel Kim’s Leverage Network: https://www.leveragenetworks.com/learn/systems-thinking)
- Purpose
- Parts contribute to the purpose
- Organization and roles make the system work
- Stability through feedback
See Donella Meadow’s book Thinking in Systems: a Primer (e-book available through UO Libraries)
2) Thermostat as Balancing Loop
3) Dieter’s dilemma – Oscillation
Reading Causal Loops: https://www.leveragenetworks.com/reading-causal-loops
4) Are these systems?
- a piece of paper
- a car
- a stop sign
- a bowl of fruit (see Daniel Kim Reading)
5) Reinforcing Systems: Positive comments, Negative snarks
6)Cybernetic Correcting Systems: https://vimeo.com/41776276
7) Natural Nitrogen Cycle: closed loop
Artificial Nitogen Cycle: reinforcement of fertilizer use > eutrefacation
8) Unintended consequences: Kangaroo vs. Sheep
9) ACTIVITY: Dryer example: What are the hidden costs?
Autodesk Whole Systems and Lifecycle Thinking Curriculum: http://sustainabilityworkshop.autodesk.com/products/whole-systems-and-lifecycle-thinking
10) A Systems Story (Love) video
Here are some videos of the aerodynamics of animal flight in slow motion:
Birds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jKokxPRtck
Hummingbirds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VA8v1btKdQ