The Challenge:  Translate the structure, process or system of a natural organism into an architectural form or environmental design element.

RESEARCH (visual summary)
1. Biomimetic inspiration: hand-sketches
2. Diagrams of physiological, behavioral or anotomical elements: How are the organism’s physical systems, behaviors and structures adapted to climate? How do they enable specific functions?
3. Climatic Interface: How does the organism’s structure, process or system mediate the external environment?

Show how a designed building, structure, responsive surface or object addresses a specific challenge or deficiency.

4. Problem definition & Design concept statement
5. Diagrams: How does the design’s structure, mechanism or system work?
6. Context (i.e. site plan, plan and section, photo, sketch)
7. 3-dimensional view
8. Detail i.e. section of facade module w/ daylight, wind or water.

Optional: Change over time, before and after