Video on Philip Ball’s Self-made Tapestry

Animated examples of how nature uses simple processes to generate complex patterns that vary according to the starting condition. A compilation of the gorgeous Youtube clips include Fractals including branching & cracking, Golden Ratio generating a sunflower, animal Stripes vs. Spots.
(start at 1:22)

Golden example: Circle > Spiral > Spiral with Graph Mapper or ArcTan profile
Trigonometry ref:  Wikipedia, Wolfram Alpha
Wolframs’ Demonstrations (parametrics created in Mathematica)

Solar Simulation Heliotrope & Ladybug Setup
Heliotrope: lightweight, direct sun angle simulator, gives shadows.
Dynamic and interactive.

Example: Solar Flags – 2D Morph (3D Morph traps flag to the box geometry)

Data management:  lists need to be in same format

  • Use Tree Mapper, Panel, Point List and List Item as Diagnostic tools
  • Graft separates each item onto its own list
  • Flatten puts all the items into one list so that Cull Index can remove problem ones
  • Simplify removes extra, unused branches
  • Some operations such as find grid centers for diagrids destroy the grid structure of rows and columns

Ladybug: climate visualization (sun, wind, temp, etc.), portal to powerful Radiance and Daysim daylighting, EnergyPlus

  • Open file in METERS
  • Place: Import Weather Data
  • Time: Set up moment or time of interest
  • Factor: Select study of interest
  • Sun Path:  multiple paths

Homework for 2/4:
Develop research project outline and draft, using Wolfram’s demonstrations and Nancy’s Diigo references (posts
Work with Heliotrope to create interactive component and surface (Assignment 2)
Install Ladybug and watch tutorials: 00 Getting Started and 03 SunPath.

Homework for 2/11: Assignment 3, self-shading surface using Ladybug Solar Radiation.