Artifact 8: Technology Essay

Course Objective

  • Examine the political, regional, economic, technological, religious, ethnic, gender, and generational influences that shape conceptions of art.

Learning Objective Achieved

  • Examine the role of technology as a force for cultural maintenance and change.
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machine.

Original Post:

The main thesis that the author discusses in Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins is how art is changing. If we look into the past, people used to only see art as paintings and sculptures. Now however, we are at a new point in time where technology is much more prominent and as a result has started to become interwoven with art. The author writes about the mix between these forms of art when she says, “An examination of the fluctuating borders between computer graphics theory and practice in scientific/technological use, in artistic use and in ‘everyday’ use reveals differing patterns of culture authorization” (Jones 21). This quote demonstrates how our society is starting to change the old borders that were once set up between art and technology/science.


(Here is what one of the first personal computers looked like. It is crazy to see the progress we have made in the technology industry. There is a night and day difference between what this computer looks like and what it can do compared to the new Macs.)

Jones gives a historical example of how technology and art were combined in the 1940s when she writes, “Computers were used to generate the earliest computer graphics and display them on oscilloscopes” (Jones 22). This quote reveals how technology and art used to be connect 70 years ago. If we take a step back and look at how art and computers have developed together, it is amazing to see the advancement. An example of this is with animation. Nowadays, we are able to digitally draw characters and have them do things such as act in movies. discusses the basics of animation when they write, “Animation is the art of bringing something to life. How it’s brought to life can be done any number of ways…You can put it on a computer, like Toy Story.” In the 1940s this would have never been impossible and because of that, people would not be able to consider something such as animation as art. By comparing Jones 1940 example and this animation example, we are able to support Jones thesis on how art is constantly changing.



The main object that I achieved by completing this assignment was examining the role that technology plays in our developing culture, especially relating to art. I was able to achieve this by looking at what was considered art 100 years ago and now looking at it. 100 years ago people could not even fathom the idea of computers and their ability to create animations. One quote from the assigned reading that I found amusing was when the author discussed how people believed computers would never catch on: “Several engineers and programmers were amused, because of the impossibility of there being ‘that many programmers’” (Jones 21). Although back in the day it makes sense why people would believe computers would not catch on, looking at it from today’s point of view makes it comical. On a different note, something that is equally as amazing to me as the development of computers is the ability to create art through 3D printing. In my opinion, this could be one of the biggest steps towards tying together art and science.


(Here is what a 3D printer looks like. This girl was able to create what you see in the picture by “printing” it. It is amazing to think that technology has allowed us to create a device like this.)

I decided to add this artifact to my portfolio because it is amazing to think how far technology has developed even over the past 15 years. It is also exciting to see the influence that technology has had on art. In modern society, this is the easiest it has ever been to share art with one another. We also have more methods than people could have ever imaged 100 years ago to create art. This is important to me because I think art is a key part of society and helps children build their creativity.


Since I have made so many goals for the next year or two, I am now going to make a long term goal. With technology constantly changing, my goal is in five years to find the newest, best art program for the computer and learn how to use it. As of right now, I consider one of the biggest tools that people use for art to be Photoshop. The reason I choice five years is because I am assuming by that time there will be a newer, better product on the market. The reason I want to achieve this goal is because not only will it allow me to embrace the fusion between art and technology, but it will allow me to continue to use my creativity.



Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

How Animated Movies Are Made. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from


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