The keywords that I used in my picture were: no wrong way, dedication, colors, pretty, and free flowing. I believe my imagine could be considered art because I used my creativity to develop something that reflects my feelings towards art. In week three’s reading, Dissanayake reveals her word “palaeoanthropsychobiological” which she believes defines the many different forms of art. Dissanayake describes what this word means when she writes, “First, that the idea of art encompasses all of human history; second, that it includes all of human societies; and third, that it accounts for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects” (Dissanayake 15). Based off of Dissanayake’s definition, I believe my picture would fall into the 3rd criteria because the picture that I created has an emotional effect on me. While I was creating this picture, I took the emotions I was feeling and put them into something that people can now see. Furthermore, I think post modernism demonstrates that my picture is considered artwork when the author writes, “Postmodernism points out that any ‘truth’ or ‘reality’ is only a point of view” (19). This quote demonstrates how postmodernism is very open with what they consider to be art. Therefore, we can consider my picture to be my “truth” of how I see art.