Week 2

The thing that stood out to me the most in this article are the four “most basic ways we come to ‘know’ something.” Although I do agree that these seem to be the four most basic ways to know something, I think that “sense experience” should be broken down one step further into direct sense experiences and indirect sense experiences. There is a big difference between me hearing something is true from a friend and me seeing something so I know it is true. As humans, I think that we like hard evidence so when we personally witness something first hand with one of our five senses, we are able to create a stronger belief. This is something that I can personally relate to. When I was growing up, my parents would constantly say things like, “if you touch that you are going to get burned.” Of course I wanted to see for myself so I would touch it and I would get burned. After that was over, I then decided that I didn’t want to touch it again because I knew I would get burned. Although I might have gained knowledge by listening to my parents, I did not truly accept it until I witnessed it for myself first hand. On the other hand, I know a lot of people who always believe what people tell them; they have no desire to witness certain things for themselves. Although we both may have the same idea in our head not to touch the hot object, it seems as though my belief would be much stronger. I would be able to defend my point by describing exactly what happened. My friend would just be able to say that his parents told him not to, so he didn’t. Although one isn’t necessarily better than the other, they are very different and that is why it makes sense for the classifications to be broken down one step further.

2 thoughts on “Week 2

  1. I also agree with what he said. People should try those new things first then come out their opinion out the decision. That is what the person value mean, you need to get your own idea about different kind of stuff, you can not just follow the words that someone else give it to you. “There is a good deal of evidence that human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined instincts but are rather free to make their own choices.” (Lewis H P7) Just Lewis said, people will always have their own opinions about different things. However, before people get their opinion about the things, they need to touch it, try it. No one can make a decision without knowing nothing about what is going on. Life is too short to follow the others words, you need to try different kinds of thing. Do not afraid of being hurt because get injured is one of the most important class in your life.

  2. Yes I completely agree with you that people should try things for themselves before they come up with a conclusion. I cannot tell you how many times I have thought I was going to hate something because everyone talked badly about it but ended up loving it. The author shows us that we have the power to control our own decisions when he says, “There is a good deal of evidence that human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined instincts but are rather free to make their own choices” (Lewis 5). When people have the power to make their own decisions, then people are able to have feelings such as happiness or regret as a result of their actions. This ties into your last sentence when you said that getting hurt is very important. Although most people do not like this part of life, I think you’re right. If you never get hurt or never fail, then you cannot learn from your mistakes and appreciate the good times.

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