Great Basin Inspired Haiku

Autumn A. Gardner

July 12

Bio 468


8 – 84 degrees

Good morning, Mickey basin.

Off I go herping


Chapped lips sunburnt skin

My throat is dry; veiled in dust

Whiptail gets away


You are so silly,

Mojave black-collared lizard

Get out of the sand


Time does not matter

with no watch on your wrist. Tick…

Tock… apply sunscreen


It is dry and hot

No thick stratum corneum

I do not belong


Solitude delight

Junipers make me daydream

I am never bored


Harney County, Ore.

Why are the locals cranky?

The air is too hot.


Wow, Western Whiptail.

Parthenogenetic: Clones

“Just like your mother”


Eastern Oregon

Horned lizards and virgin springs

I am nostalgic




Lizards, lucky view.

The landscape here is grandeur.



Trail map? Sagebrush scrapes.

Protection for the reptiles.

Not a friend to me


Mimics rattlesnake,

but hisses like a buffoon.

  1. catenifer


Ants on the menu

Platyrhinos sit and wait

Grab, chomp, swallow. Gone.


  1. wislizenii

The females are more ornate

Sometimes males do choose


Western fence Lizard

Good morning, you black beauty

From sun, colors change


Side blotch on Uta

Other animals target

Bullseye. It’s lunchtime


Gopher snake skin found

Coloration still on tail

Hebejebes overtake



exhibit variation

Just like me and you


Proof of past humans

Coprolites contain the truth

Bering bridge? Bullshit