
Truly Committed

Digital citizenship and community are two important concepts that are closely related and can have a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole. Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology and the internet, while a digital community is a group of people who interact and engage with each other online. As more and more of our daily lives are conducted online, it is crucial that we are committed to being good digital citizens. This means adhering to a set of values and principles that promote the responsible use of technology and the internet, such as being respectful, honest, and fair. It also means being aware of the potential risks and consequences of our online actions, and taking steps to protect ourselves and others from harm. Being a good digital citizen also involves participating in and contributing to online communities in a positive way. This can include engaging in thoughtful discussions, sharing knowledge and expertise, and supporting others in the community. By being an active and engaged member of a digital community, we can help to create a positive and inclusive online environment that is conducive to learning and personal growth.

The way I want to accomplish these goals is laid out in. a simple format. First I would like to take the class of English 470. I have been recommended this class and I believe it will only further my ability to be a good digital citizen and only create a stronger online community for myself. I think the benefits of taking a class like that will be very clear when it comes to being a better citizen and community member online. The way I will also continue to be a good digital citizen is through school. School is extremely focused on online work and a community online. I believe now for many of my classes especially classes that are discussion based I can do a much better job of creating a community where everyone is heard and everyone feels comfortable. I also believe I can be a good digital citizen by using the tools I have learned in this class. Id I am able to continue to do the right type of research, including using metadata, data analysis, checking other sources, and adding good information online, just by doing that I am being a better Digital citizen and making the online community stronger.

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