Meet Your Faculty Fellow

Hi everyone! If you would like to view the presentation I gave at our September 26 orientation meeting, just click the following link:

Bean East: Introduction

As I mentioned during this talk, our theme for this year is “Envisioning Community.” Let me share with you what I mean by this:


What does it mean to live in community?
What values are central for the formation and maintenance of viable, productive societies?
To what extent should human flourishing include discussions of animals, plants, and the environment?
How should we approach difference and how can we achieve the “good life”?

These perennial questions have captured the imaginations of political and religious figures, philosophers, novelists, poets, and artists throughout the world. This year we will explore issues that will help you think more deeply about these questions and sharpen your own vision for living in community.

I plan on scheduling lectures, films, off-campus excursions, and other events that I hope will encourage you to think more deeply about these issues. Of course, the success of the program depends upon your participation, so please take a moment to bookmark this website, check the Calendar regularly, subscribe to the RSS feed, and, most importantly, get involved! I am looking forward to meeting you and engaging in provocative discussions and intentional reflection.

Why would you ever want to speak with your faculty fellow???

(Click on the snowy Knight Library to find out.)

knight library


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