Remix Discussion

The overall TED talk “Laws that Choke Creativity” was fairly interesting. Lawrence Lessig talked mainly about three stories. However, I was drawn away by the last story when he started showing the second remix video where Jesus was dancing on the street with barely any cloth on. Jesus was lip singing to a very famous song. He focused on a very important issue in today’s society which is copyright. Most of us have access to the internet and it had become very easy and common to use other people’s work and re-make it into their own work. It touches on a serious problem of copyright. As he mentioned in the video, the important part is not about technique, but about the idea or the way people using the source. New generation and young kids have their own way to see the world, and the old law of copyright would limit new ideas. But I personally think that remix is just something funny, and it does not show a lot of creativities. The law of copyright has its own value of protecting people’s work, so I think remix shouldn’t affect the power of copyright.


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