What Is Art For?

Paleoanthropsychobiological is a new term created by the author of What Is Art For Ellen Dissanayake to point out that art is a kind of thing which shows human history, includes all human societies, and has psychological effects (p. 1). It is really smart to illustrate art in this way because people will notice this very long word and start to feel curious why art did these much things. Dissanayake used this word to show that art is such a natural thing and it appears in everywhere in people’s life.

It is so hard to define a term like art especially it changes a lot along with human history. The author gave an outline of the changing or history of art in Western concept and mentioned several important turning point. Go back to the very beginning around early treatises, “technē” is a word people first used to describe art, and it meant “having a correct understanding of the principals involved” (p.2). Even though art at that time was not as same as it is now, it was still a very important word in art history. Art has developed very fast, and in the nineteenth century, people turned their attention to “aesthetics” which is “a concern with elucidating principles such as taste and beauty that govern all the arts and indeed make them not simply painting or statues but examples of art” (p.3). People started to separate art with other things in their life and try to make art as an independent area with universal ideas and concepts. Now, art becomes a very general thing and it has so many sub-fields and forms. Like Dissanayake said in her book, a Pandora’s Box was opened as a new term called “postmodernism” appeared (p.5). It becomes less focus on realistic nowadays and starts being diversion; in other words, art is far beyond the view of “reality”, and now it can be anything as long as people think it expresses what they want to.

At the near last part of the reading, Dissanayake gave art a very interesting definition, which is a behavior or an action to “make things special” (p. 10). When art became a part of human life, people were getting tired of seeing same kind of thing every day, so they start to create new types of art. The author regard this new kind of art as something that every people can do and do it for different reasons. She think the common reason that people want to do art is they using art as a tool to make something special. Although personally I think this definition is too general and abstract to be called a definition, it does nicely summarize the reasons that people doing art recent years. It is obvious that art, as a kind of manifestation, changed a lot from the start during centuries, but nobody knows what art could change to in the future. I guess this is the reason why it is really hard to be predicted and defined.

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