A pre-press draft of a new paper I’ve written with Ruben Greidanus is now available on ResearchGate and SSRN. The paper is forthcoming in the North Carolina Law Review’s 2017-18 symposium issue. We would appreciate any feedback. The abstract: In the past few years, questions about when police officers should activate (or not activate) their…Continue Reading New Paper: Officer Attitudes Towards Body-Worn Camera Activation
Category: Body-Worn Cameras
My “Collateral Visibility” work cited in the New York Times
I’m thrilled that my research into police adoption and use of body-worn cameras (and what I call the “collateral visibility” of individual civilians captured on video due to liberal public disclosure of body camera footage) is cited in the lead feature article in the October 23, 2016 issue of the New York Times Magazine (link). The…Continue Reading My “Collateral Visibility” work cited in the New York Times