I was honored to give two lectures, based on my research (one along with Sara Vannini, now at the University of Sheffield), to faculty, researchers, and students at LMU Munich this week (via Zoom). Their poster for the events are embedded below. [embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/bcnewell/files/2020/06/radical-visibility1.pdf” download=”none” viewer=”google” ] [embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/bcnewell/files/2020/06/Surveillance-on-the-Border-Poster.pdf” viewer=”google” ]…Continue Reading Lectures on police visibility and border surveillance @ LMU Munich
Lectures on police visibility and border surveillance @ LMU Munich
![Radical Visibility lecture](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/bcnewell/files/2020/06/radical-visibility_LMU-Poster.jpg)