Final Meeting of the Term

It’s strange to think, but the next meeting of Bayes Club will be our last for the term. That’s right: the end of the term is approaching, and our next meeting will be during 10th week.

For our final meeting of the term, we’d like to do two things:

  1. Consolidate what we’ve learned by reading through some real journal articles or chapters, working together to capture some Bayesian analyses in the wild.
  2. Focus on any questions that you have — things that we’ve discussed that still don’t seem to make sense on even a conceptual level.

To those ends, Rose and I would like submissions for papers and/or topics and questions of discussion. If you have a Bayesian paper that you’ve been trying to figure out all term, send it in! And if any questions are burning in your mind just as much as an MCMC sampler*, send those in, as well!

If you have something in mind, please send it to Rose ( and me ( by the end of this Tuesday, 2014-03-04. If you submit an idea, the three of us can meet sometime next week to try to figure it out a bit together in advance of the bigger meeting, and then you can talk in the bigger meeting for a few minutes about what headway you have made, and about what questions remain.

* (Get it? Like, an MCMC sampler “burns in”? lol.)

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