Bayes lecture in PSY612

Posted on behalf of Rose:

Robert is out of town this week, so Jacob and I are doing a guest lecture on Bayesian inference in PSY612: Data Analysis II. It will have a conceptual focus (vs. the more practical nuts-and-bolts focus of BayesClub), including a fair amount of discussion about the differences and similarities between Bayes and NHST. We’re building the slides in a web-ready format rather than powerpoint, so  we’ll post everything publicly and you’ll be able to access the materials quite easily if you’re curious.

You’re also welcome to come sit in on the lecture, if you like! It’s Thursday 10:00am-11:20am in PLC 189. Please keep in mind that the room is not super big, and students who are registered for PSY612 need to get first priority for seats. We’re asking the 612 students to read this article before class:

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